
En mi época “near of art “ intentando acercar el arte al mobiliario , nace Fetiche , desde el análisis de cómo exponer la obra de un artista y generar interés en descubrirla

In my "near of art" era, trying to bring art and furniture closer together, Fetiche was born from the analysis of how to exhibit an artist's work and generate interest in discovering it.

Concebido cómo tríptico busco la observación del espectador desde tres ángulos , frontal ,superior e inferior que enfatizan su curiosidad.Como elemento decorativo consigue engrandecer los espacios, iluminarlos sutilmente y nos permite tener colgados nuestros objetos “Fetiche “ para disfrutarlos sin ser vistos.

Conceived as a triptych, I look for the viewer's observation from three angles: front, upper and lower, which emphasise their curiosity: as a decorative element, it enlarges the spaces, subtly illuminates them and allows us to hang our "Fetish" objects to enjoy them without being seen.

La idea original se basa en la creación de imágenes personalizadas que transmitan nuestros impulsos fetichistas a través de una sesión fotográfica, que serán expuestas dentro de las esferas. De este modo aunamos fotografía y diseño : arte + arte.

The original idea is based on the creation of personalized images that transmit our fetishistic impulses through a photographic session, which will be displayed within the spheres. In this way we combine photography and design: art + art.

Around the world


My shoes define my workplace, always anywhere.

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